Sight testing

We carry out thorough NHS and private eye examinations in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Our commitment to patient care is reflected in the times we allocate to appointments: 30–40 minutes for a normal appointment.

Our fully qualified and accredited optometric staff take the time to listen to your needs and to answer your questions, and our determination to provide the best care is also demonstrated in our investment in high-quality diagnostic and analysis equipment.

Contact Lenses

All our experienced optometrists fit contact lenses and we are able to supply many different lens types and materials, including gas permeable, daily and monthly disposable soft lenses and multifocals.

We offer contact lens care schemes to provide ongoing care and cost savings for our contact lens customers.

Video: Experience a child’s eye examination

Regular eye examinations are important at every age, including during our formative childhood years. In this video, produced by The College Of Optometrists, you can see what to expect from a children’s eye examination, and the sorts of tests that are involved.

Video: The College of Optometrists

DVLA testing

The gold standard visual field test for driving is the Esterman. This is done with both eyes open and concentrates mainly on your horizontal visual field. (This is different to the Glaucoma Visual field test which is done with one eye covered and measures the whole of your visual field).

The DVLA request certain people (including those with Glaucoma) to have regular Esterman Visual Field tests (usually every 3 years).

Unfortunately, rather than allowing a patient to have this done in a small local practice, the DVLA have recently awarded the national contract for these tests to a large optical company. At Norman Prince Opticians we can still perform this test for you privately for peace of mind.

Emergency investigations

Some eye conditions need to be investigated quickly and others are not so urgent. Our practice staff can usually advise you how quickly you need to be seen and an optometrist can usually talk to you over the phone to discuss your symptoms.

We will try to see you on the same day if you have a sharp drop in vision, flashes and floaters or a painful eye.

See more about Sight Conditions here.

Our Eye Exam fees are here.